About Us

Sunshine Circle Childcare is temporarily taking Drop-in care with a 24 hour notice. Please inquire for more rate information through email, phone call, text, or Facebook messaging. Please expect a small health screening before care will be scheduled.
During this COVID-19 Outbreak, Sunshine Circle Childcare would like to ensure you that every family member, friend, and staff member is taking every precaution necessary to keep everyone safe and healthy. There may be children or staff members with autoimmune disorders that are more susceptible to sickness. That being said, your participation is VITAL. Until this pandemic is handled, there will be a few new things added to the sick policy.
If you, your child, or someone they have come in contact with within the last 15 days has or has had:
A fever of 100.4 F or greater
Shortness of breath
Mucus/Boogers that are not CLEAR
We understand how much of an inconvenience this may cause.
If you would like more information on what you can do to prevent the spread of diseases please visit:
Sunshine Circle Childcare is a safe and loving program, with a home-based feel. We have fun learning, cook together, and make sure everyone is Kindergarten ready through play.
About Lauren:
Lauren has been doing in-home childcare for 12 years. She learned from Terry LaBelle, who has been in the business for over 40 years. Lauren is very Family oriented, and has a love for, not only childcare, but cooking, teaching, and reading. She has a firm belief in play based learning. Play is not the best form of learning, it is the only form of learning. Lauren is very active in the childcare community. She has been a board member of the childcare state association, Iowa Family Child Care Association (IFCCA) www.IOWAFCC.com . What happens with us, effects you and your children as well.
Lauren is the wife of Andy, who is plumber, but is also qualified to be Lauren's substitute and assistant.
Lauren is the mother of 3 wonderful girls! Audrey, Esmeralda (Ezzie), and Elsie. They are excited to meet you, play, and learn together!